
Get your certificate

We think that even if you do not participate in our activities or participate not very actively, it is important that you share our principles and help us spread them.

That´s why we have created a certificates system, where a certificate can be granted upon request to those entities which perform their activities based on, at least, half of our pillars without breaking or opposing to any of the others.

This certificate is a valuable piece of philosophical identity. It is a moral quality indicator about intentions and activities which works as a standard just like other processes certification systems such as ISO and the like.

And that´s why we do not give it to just anybody, neither for free, nor quickly. Each one of the cases is studied independently upon request.

If you accomplish these requirements and you want to show your social and moral quality with pride, send us an e-mail and we will contact you.


We will update this section periodically with the names of all the entities that have been granted the "SUARPI's values accomplishment" certificate.

SUARPI's values accomplishment

Supranational United Administration of Resources for Prosperity Improvement - © 2000-2025