
Who we are

The Supranational United Administration of Resources for Prosperity Improvement is a Non-Governmental associated group of entities, created for joining different kinds of social and professional activities under coordination with a common humanistic aim. These entities go from a wide range of forms and activities, including commercial companies, investment groups, sports clubs, workers and producers cooperatives, groups of common purpose work, friends groups who have common activities or hobbies, municipalities, freelancers, collaborators or other NGOs.

In any of the cases, what all our members should have in common is a wish of giving wealth and prosperity, a humanistic focus, passion for innovation and investigation, and a common understanding of justice and freedom. Their activities in these fields have to match at least one of our eight action pillars.


As members of the S.U.A.R.P.I. movement, we do our best to provide our activities and resources to achieve these common objectives. Most of the time, joint efforts and resources under a common coordination creates an amazing synergy that reaches the aims much better than making all these efforts separately. We create a big brain from several great brains. We make a unique and powerful outreaching hand from several helping, caring and kind hands.

Supranational United Administration of Resources for Prosperity Improvement - © 2000-2025